
Government of India Scholarship (Atal Bihari Vajpayee General Scholarship) 

The information below is from the past. 
For the latest information, please check the information from each country’s embassy. 


Wednesday, April 24th: Extension of application period 
  The application period for the Indian Government Scholarship (Atal Bihari Vajpayee General Scholarship) has been extended.

The application deadline will be changed to Friday, May 31st

Scholarships marked with the “JASSO Cooperation” mark are scholarships offered by foreign governments etc. with cooperation from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) in recruitment and selection. Please also check the “Notes” posted at the bottom of the page. 

Indian Government Scholarship (Atal Bihari Vajpyee General Scholarship Scheme) Application Guidelines

1. Field of study 

Any field of study available at an Indian university (excluding MBBS, BDS and integrated courses). 
You can choose up to five universities/institutions, but it is advisable to obtain admission from them. 

2. Host organization 

Designated universities and research institutes in India * Please refer to the Universities section of 
the online application site ( ICCR A2A Scholarship Portal 
). You can select up to five universities/institutions of your choice, but there is a limit to the number of applicants, so you may not be able to enroll. Therefore, you need to be prepared to get admission from the five universities/institutions of your choice. 

3. Scholarship Period 

From the first day of classes in 2024 until graduation (obtaining a degree) (check for details) 
*Changes to host institution and course will not be permitted after they have been decided. 

4. Benefits 

1. ScholarshipsUndergraduate 
  : 18,000 rupees per monthPostgraduate 
  : 20,000 rupees per monthM.Phil 
  /Ph.D: 22,000 rupees per monthPost 
  -doctoral Fellow: 25,000 rupees per month2 
. Accommodation allowanceYou 
  can stay in a dormitory designated by the host institution or in a private accommodation facility. If you stay in a dormitory, ICCR will pay the cost directly to the host institution. If you stay in a private accommodation facility, the following expenses will be paid according to the grade of the city. 
City Grade 1: 6,500 rupees per month 
Other cities: 5,500 rupees per month3 
. Contingency allowance (paid annually to purchase books and stationery, paid until completion of the course) 
  Undergraduate: 5,000 rupees per year 
  Postgraduate: 7,000 rupees per year 
  Ph.D: 12,500 rupees per year4 
. Thesis writing allowance (paid once during the scholarship period) 
  Ph.D: 10,000 rupees 
  BBA/BCA/MBA/MCA/M.Tech/Other courses (required to submit research plan): 7,000 rupees5 
. Medical insurance (self-pay) 
  Students are required to take out medical insurance with a minimum coverage of 500,000 rupees per year. 
*This includes economy class round-trip airfare to the nearest airport and AC train 3rd class fare to the study destination. 

5. Eligibility 

1. Japanese nationals2 
. Applicants must be between 18 and 40 years old (50 years old for those who will proceed to doctoral course) 
3. Academic background: 
  Post-doctoral Fellow: Doctoral course graduate (including those who are expected to complete by March 2024) 
  Ph.D: Master’s degree holder (including those who are expected to complete by March 2024) 
  M.Phil: Master’s degree holder (including those who are expected to complete by March 2024) 
  Postgraduate: Bachelor’s degree holder (including those who are expected to complete by March 2024) 
  Undergraduate: High school graduate (including those who are expected to complete by March 2024) 
4. Applicants must have sufficient English language skills5 . Applicants 
must submit a 500-word English essay based on a topic specified on the portal site. Applicants 
 may also submit scores from language proficiency tests such as TEFEL/IELTS.6. 
Applicants must be in good health7 
. Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received the Indian Government Scholarship (ICCR) or have not studied in India. 
8. Students who wish to study in a science or engineering course at the bachelor’s degree level must have high school level knowledge of physics, chemistry, and mathematics. 
9. Students who wish to study in a biology course at the bachelor’s degree level must have high school level knowledge of biology, physics, and chemistry. 

6. Application Procedures and Selection Process 

(1) When applying, please carefully read the INSTRUCTIONS ( ) and Scholarship Guidelines (Before Filling Form) ( ) on the ICCR A2A Scholarship Portal and follow the instructions. 
  Submission URL: 
(2) Application Deadline: Friday, May 31, 2024 
(3) There will be no selection test at the Embassy of India in Japan. 
  *The final decision will be made by ICCR and will be notified at a later date via the Embassy of India in Japan. 

7. Contact Information 

Any enquiries regarding this matter should be directed to the Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC), Embassy of India in Japan, at the following email address: 
Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC), Embassy of India in Japan, 
e-mail:【@】  * When sending an email, please remove the 【 】 before and after @.  

8. Other 

  1. Applicants will have to submit an Association of Indian Universities (AIU) equivalence certificate, if required. This will be mentioned in the Provisional Confirmation Letter of the desired University/Institute (uploaded on the A2A Portal). If an AIU equivalence certificate is required, it can be applied for through the following link: . The cost of obtaining the certificate is at the applicant’s expense and is non-refundable.   
  1. Applicants are advised to regularly visit the websites of their preferred universities/institutions before applying to learn about their desired course, admission eligibility criteria, and general information about the university/institution. In addition to the basic certificates listed in the application form, applicants should submit any relevant documents required by the university. Applicants should also refer to the university handbook and the University Grants Commission website. 
  1. All scholars are required to have medical insurance with a minimum annual coverage of Rs 500,000. 
  1. In order to have a safe and meaningful study abroad experience, applicants for this scholarship must collect information about studying abroad, including safety information on the security situation in the host country or region, in advance when selecting their preferred school and when traveling after being selected as a scholarship student. When collecting information, make use of the Japan Student Services Organization’s ” Study Abroad Information Site ” and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ ” Overseas Safety Homepage ,” which provides safety information on the security situation in countries around the world and points to note during your stay that will help you avoid trouble overseas . 


If you have any questions about the details of each scholarship, application qualifications, application period, or the preparation of documents in the language of the host country, please read the published application guidelines carefully and contact the contact points listed in the guidelines (mainly the institutions in the host country). 

Since the application period and whether or not Japanese applicants are accepted vary depending on the scholarship, the information posted may be from the previous year or earlier, when the application period has already ended. 

The application guidelines for scholarships for which the Japan Student Services Organization cooperates in the recruitment and selection process will be disseminated to four-year universities and other institutions in Japan as soon as they are announced. 

The application guidelines for each scholarship will be posted on the Study Abroad Information Website only if a Japanese government institution has requested cooperation in publicizing the scholarship. Check the “Current application guidelines for foreign government scholarships (in cooperation with the Japan Student Services Organization)” page on this website to see if new application guidelines have been announced. 

Please feel free to forward this recruitment information. However, the following actions are strictly prohibited: 

Rewriting files and tampering with their contents 

Misleading notification of the contents of a file 

Transfer of previous year’s recruitment information 

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