
What is the difference between grants, subsidies, and grants? 

Governments provide grants, subsidies, and grants that are not repayable. 

Of these, grants are often paid if the application requirements are met and there are no problems with the application. Subsidies, on the other hand, are characterized by having a set overall budget, and applications will close once that limit is reached. Some subsidies do not have a budget limit, but rather a set number of applications. Governments solicit subsidies, and if applications pass the screening process, money is paid. There is not only a pre-screening but also a post-screening. 

Like grants and subsidies, grants are money provided by the national or local government. They are paid when the conditions for each grant are met. In the past, business continuity grants and business revival support grants were implemented for businesses that suffered a significant drop in income due to business closures caused by COVID-19. 

There are other similar things such as support funds and compensation for business interruption. Support groups collect funds to support disaster-stricken areas. 

List of subsidies available to sole proprietors and freelancers 

Here we introduce the main subsidies available to self-employed individuals. 

Human Resource Development Support Grant 

The Human Resource Development Support Subsidy is a subsidy for businesses that systematically implement vocational training and other programs to help employees acquire specialized knowledge and skills for the purpose of career development. There are six courses available. The training and other programs eligible for subsidy for each course are as follows: 

Human Resource Development Support Course 

The training covers 10 hours or more of training outside the usual workplace, training that combines OJT and external training for new graduates, and training that combines OJT and external training for the purpose of converting fixed-term contract workers to full-time employees. 

Education and training leave course 

Workers who take a paid leave of five days or more over a three-year period to receive training are subject to this system. 

Construction Worker Certification Training Course 

Construction companies pay for training costs for certified vocational training or instructor training. 

Construction Worker Skills Training Course 

Construction workers are given paid training to improve their skills. 

Promotion of Investment in People Course 

The target training areas include advanced digital human resources training, human resources training in growth fields, vocational training combined with certified practical training in the field of information technology, flat-rate training (subscription-type training), voluntary vocational ability development training, and training under systems such as long-term education and training leave. 

Business Development Risk Management Course 

Individuals are trained to acquire the knowledge and skills needed for business development and digital transformation. 

Reference: Human Resource Development Support Subsidy | Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 

Trial Employment Subsidy 

The trial employment subsidy is a subsidy that is paid to workers who have difficulty finding stable employment for various reasons, when they are employed for a certain period of time or more through Hello Work, etc. In principle, subsidies are paid to businesses that implement a three-month trial employment (*The condition is that the worker wishes to be employed on a trial basis) and then transition to indefinite employment. 

The Trial Employment Subsidy is divided into three courses: 

General Trial Course 

With the aim of helping job seekers find employment quickly and creating employment opportunities, subsidies are provided to employers who offer trial employment to job seekers who are having difficulty finding employment, on the condition that they enter into an indefinite employment contract. 

Trial course for people with disabilities / Short-term trial course for people with disabilities  

There are trial courses for people with disabilities, in which disabled people who have difficulty finding employment are employed for a fixed period of time to assess their aptitude, etc., in order to help them find employment as soon as possible, and short-term trial courses for people with disabilities, in which disabled people are employed for more than 10 hours but less than 20 hours a week. 

Young and female construction worker trial course 

Subsidies will be provided to employers who have employed young people or women under the age of 35 on a trial basis as skilled construction workers, etc., and who have been approved for the two subsidies mentioned above (general trial course, trial course for persons with disabilities). 

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